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Large Bus Company Faces Lawsuits for Deadly Bus Accident

A major bus company is facing lawsuits for a deadly bus accident that killed one woman and injured dozens of passengers. Passengers of the ill-fated bus maintained that the driver appeared to be tired, had red eyes when she was taking tickets from passengers, and fell asleep behind the wheel when the bus crashed into the back of a tractor-trailer.

The bus company is being sued for allowing a dangerous driver to drive and for supposedly failing to enforce its guidelines aimed at preventing driver fatigue.

Driver Fatigue Causing Bus Accidents

A 10-year study of bus accidents in the United States showed that hundreds of deadly bus accidents happen every year. These accidents usually involved school buses, transit buses, and intercity buses. A 2012 government study also showed that 37% of all passenger bus crashes were linked to driver fatigue, prompting the issuance of strict government regulations requiring rest periods, setting limits to drivers’ hours on the road, and maintenance of driving logs.

The beleaguered bus company involved in the accident is one of the largest in North America, transporting around 18 million passengers across the U.S., including New Mexico, every year. It is facing lawsuits for the bus accident after investigators found that driver fatigue was the cause of the accident.

One of the injured plaintiffs was an opera singer who suffered a brain injury, a badly hurt leg, and shattered vertebrae that affected her ability to sing. She also said that immediately after the accident, she suffered so much that she could not help but scream loudly in pain upon waking.

Claiming Compensation for Bus Accident Injury

Bus accident claims can be complex, requiring a careful evaluation of the circumstances and an analysis of the responsibility of specific persons such as the driver, the bus company, and the driver of the other motor vehicle.

Other parties may also be involved, such as the bus equipment parts manufacturer if the accident is linked to defective vehicle parts such as a failed brake.

It’s important to speak to an experienced bus accident attorney soon after you have obtained appropriate medical treatment. Your lawyer can determine whether you are entitled to compensation and can guide you through the process.

In Las Cruces, New Mexico, the Law Office of Samuel I. Kane, P.A. have years of experience in bus accidents, helping injured passengers obtain compensation that they legally deserve. Call us today for a free consultation at (575) 541-3004.

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