Hillsborough County Public Schools Reach Settlement in Brain Injury Case
Hillsborough County Public Schools in Tampa, Florida has reached a settlement in a personal injury case involving a former student. Sean McNamee was a member of Wharton High’s varsity football team two years ago. During warm-up drills, he hit his head on equipment that was left on the practice field. Doctor’s classified the injury
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Truck Sought in Albuquerque Hit-And-Run Bicycle Incident
A New Mexico family is seeking answers after their nephew suffered severe injuries in a hit-and-run incident on an Albuquerque street in September. According to police reports, Greg Lopez was traveling on his bicycle down Central Avenue several weeks back, when a truck attempted to pass him. The vehicle got too close, and the
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New Mexico Supreme Court Rules on Personal Injury Statute of Limitations
The right to bring a lawsuit for personal injury lasts for a relatively short time. In New Mexico, the “statute of limitations” for a personal injury claim based in tort is three years. If an injured party does not file a lawsuit within this time, the claim is said to be “time-barred.” Statutes of
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NMSU Student Project Aims to Reduce Child Injury from Auto Accidents
September is Child Passenger Safety Month, and one NMSU grad student, George Richards, is working on ways to combat a terrifying statistic that no driving parent wants to think about: Auto accidents are the number one cause of death to children ages 5-14 in the U.S. The right child safety restraints could save many